OAuth Examples

Fatsecret supports 3-legged OAuth authentication. You can also authenticate to a profile that your application created.

Web Application

from flask import Flask, redirect, url_for, request
from fatsecret import Fatsecret

consumer_key = 'Replace with your key'
consumer_secret = 'Replace with your key'

app = Flask(__name__)
fs = Fatsecret(consumer_key, consumer_secret)

def index():
    if request.args.get('oauth_verifier'):

        verifier_pin = request.args.get('oauth_verifier')

        # Store token as desired. The session is now authenticated
        session_token = fs.authenticate(verifier_pin)

        return redirect(url_for('profile'))

        return "<a href={0}>Authenticate Access Here</a>".format(url_for('authenticate'))

def authenticate():

    auth_url = fs.get_authorize_url(callback_url="")

    return redirect(auth_url)

def profile():
    food = fs.foods_get_most_eaten()

    return "<h1>Profile</h1><div><strong>Most Eaten Foods</strong><br>{}</div>"\

if __name__ == "__main__":

CLI Application

from fatsecret import Fatsecret

fs = Fatsecret(consumer_key, consumer_secret)

auth_url = fs.get_authorize_url()

print("Browse to the following URL in your browser to authorize access:\n{}"\

pin = input("Enter the PIN provided by FatSecret: ")
session_token = fs.authenticate(pin)

foods = fs.foods_get_most_eaten()
print("Most Eaten Food Results: {}".format(len(foods)))

Use New Profiles for Your App

You’re able to directly authenticate to any profile that your app has created

from fatsecret import Fatsecret

fs = Fatsecret(consumer_key, secret_key)

session_token = fs.profile_create('new_user_001')

Fatsecret states that each session_token persists indefinitely for profiles created by your app so you can store it and use it later as needed.

Note: Using a session_token from a previously authorized session for a Fatsecret user profile is also possible but Fatsecret isn’t as clear about the lifetime of those tokens.

session_token = # retrieve from your database

Or you can save the user_id instead and get the session_token from Fatsecret each time. Keep in mind that this will only work for profiles created by your application. You’ll still need to go through the 3-legged OAuth process for profiles you didn’t create.

session_token = fs.profile_get_auth('new_user_001')

new_session = Fatsecret(consumer_key, secret_key, session_token=session_token)